ISOTHANE ETPU has light density and high elasticity. Even at negative temperature, it can withstands prolonged and repeated compression without permanent deformation. ETPU (expanded thermoplastic polyurethane) offers a perfect combination of soft texture and great elasticity. ISOTHANE ETPU- colorful foam beads with high elasticity, customized different color and particle size for lightening era. 1. Super response : Rebound rate could be up to 63% 2. Low density : Density : 100-200 kg/m3 3. Good performance at low temperature : High elasticity and softness even in low temperature. 4. Anti-yellowing : Anti-yellowing material, also have non-yellowing grade. 5. ood abrasion resistance : Very low abrasion. 新型ETPU發泡粒具有超高彈性與超輕密度,是鞋業、運動緩衝材、自行車相關零配件的最佳設計選擇材料。 此產品由聚醚TPU製成,絕佳耐水解性、良好耐壓縮性、良好的吸能特性。 ISOTHANE ETPU產品特性: 1. 高回彈性能 材料的回彈性最高可達63%以上 2. 超輕密度 材料密度範圍在 100-200kg/m3 3. 低溫性能好 材料於零下低溫依然具有超高回彈性和柔軟性 4. 耐黃變性強 材料耐黃變性強,也有不黃變規格 5. 高耐磨耗性 材料的磨耗量甚低 6. 高耐彎折性 製成品耐彎折次數高於業界標準 7. 高耐壓縮性 製成品壓縮回復高於傳統EVA材質